Blog | Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung
8 March 2022
Or has it? How we decide the first day of spring depends on whether we are referring to the meteorological or astronomical spring. Meteorological seasons are based on the annual temperature cycle whereas the astronomical calendar uses the position of Earth’s orbit in relation to the Sun.
Meteorological seasons are split to coincide with the Gregorian calendar so spring will always start on 1 March and end on 31 May. However, the astronomical season depends on the date of the spring equinox, which means the date comes later and can vary slightly from year to year. Since the seasons vary in length, the start date of a new season can fall on different days each year. This year, astronomical spring will begin on Sunday 20 March and end on Tuesday 21 June.
Whether it’s the meteorological or astronomical season, we’ve certainly noticed the daylight hours are longer and we’re starting to see the vibrant yellow of daffodils and tulips springing into life. We’ve also noticed some new TV shows bursting onto our small screens this spring including The Ipcress file, a six-part, a high octane, spy thriller which is set in Berlin and London during the 1960s and Our House, a psychological thriller involving a home owner who arrives home one day to find that her possessions have disappeared and strangers are moving in. To complicate matters, her estranged husband seems to have gone AWOL.
Making a welcome return for their final series are Peaky Blinders and Killing Eve. Peaky Blinders’ Tommy Shelby and his squad are ready to stride through the smoggy streets of interwar Birmingham in slow motion once more. While Eve and assassin Villanelle resume their toxic yet tantalising cat and mouse game one last time.
If you’ve noticed new interference to your free to view programmes, it may not be the dawn chorus that’s causing it. There’s a small chance it may be due to upgrades to mobile signals and we’re here to help. You can contact us on 0808 13 13 800 (free from UK landlines and mobiles).
What’s happening?
Mobile operators are upgrading their mobile services across the UK. These enable mobile devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets to access the internet at super-fast speeds.
We have a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions which can provide further help and advice.
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