Vulnerable Viewer Policy

Our aim

Restore TV is committed to providing an excellent service to all the viewers we support. Restore TV recognises that some viewers may require additional support due to their personal circumstances. Our aim is to support viewers who may be vulnerable and ensure that they receive a consistent approach which takes into account their circumstances, meets their specific needs and delivers an outstanding service.

We have defined vulnerable viewers as those who could be liable to harm – particularly when a company doesn’t act with an appropriate level of care. We understand that characteristics for vulnerability may be complex, overlapping and may be different at different times. For example a life event like a relationship breakdown or bereavement may lead to further vulnerability like mental ill-health or low resilience. Or it may not be something that’s happened to a viewer – someone may be vulnerable simply because of how confident they feel with reading, understanding, or communicating.

We’re always looking for ways we can improve our service to ensure it is inclusive and accessible for all. If you have any suggestions for how we can do better, let us know at or by post at Inclusive Service, Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited, 24/25 The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9SG.

How we support vulnerable viewers

Understanding viewer needs

We conduct market research to understand the viewers we support and have a satisfaction survey that all viewers we support are asked to participate in. Results from the survey and direct feedback are reviewed for continuous improvement.

Skills, capabilities and culture

Viewers in vulnerable situations are more likely to suffer harm if staff are not trained on the impact of vulnerabilities. We train our team members on how to best interact with viewers and to show empathy and consideration to their personal circumstances.

Product and service design

We designed our website with accessibility in mind and have alternative methods of contact for those viewers not comfortable with using the telephone. We have an inclusive service working group who are tasked with reviewing the support we provide across all contact channels.

Customer service

We review the service we provide to viewers and any complaint or feedback is always taken seriously. We have additional reviews in place for feedback from vulnerable viewers. We provide accessible customer services through email communication and access to the text relay service (

In home support

Viewers who qualify for in-home support can be assured that the engineer visiting your property will be appropriately trained. They will have a disclosure and barring check (previously known as a Criminal Records Bureau Check) and carry photo ID. Viewers can also provide a password when booking an appointment so they know the engineer is who they say they are.


The content of our communications will be clear and will not cause undue alarm to viewers. We review our communications with focus groups and review any feedback for continuous improvement.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring feedback from viewers, quality assurance on our contact channels and in-home support visits allow us to determine if we are achieving good outcomes for viewers in vulnerable situations. We aim to understand which activities and processes work well and which ones need to be adapted to improve outcomes. Our inclusive service working group is responsible for ensuring that there is a continuous improvement review process in place.

How we identify vulnerable viewers

We train our staff to listen out for cues that viewers may be vulnerable and may need a little extra help. Any information you provide to us will be kept confidential and only be used to support you. We’ve listed some examples of vulnerable characteristics that we’ve considered when planning the support we offer.

Health vulnerabilities

Some viewers have health problems that could affect the way they engage with us, or make decisions. We have specific support in place if viewers advise of visual or hearing impairments, mental health problems, mobility issues or perhaps a long-term illness.

Life event vulnerabilities

Life events can have a huge impact on a viewer’s ability to access support. These include bereavement, caring responsibilities, or a relationship breakdown, as well as changes to their income. If viewers advise of any vulnerability in this category we take it into consideration for the support we provide.

Resilience vulnerabilities

Viewers may disclose unstable income or money worries when we are discussing their TV set up. All our support is free of charge. Viewers may also mention they lack a support network of family or friends – for these viewers we understand the importance of free to air TV and that it may be seen as a lifeline. We will prioritise appointments for vulnerable viewers to resolve their TV issues as soon as possible.

Capability vulnerabilities

Viewers may mention they have poor literacy, numeracy, or struggle with English language skills. This could impair their ability to understand the issues or understand the support available to them. We train our staff to ask how we can make it easier for them to understand and make a decision they’re happy with.

Last reviewed: March 2025